Regionally Native Plants for Wyoming Gardens
The unappealing common name—a direct translation of the scientific name (tetraneuris meaning four nerves and acaulis meaning stemless)—does nothing to project the attractiveness, dare we say cuteness, of this species in the wild and in the garden. Bright-yellow daisy-like flowers, about 2” in diameter, appear early and continue through the summer. The leaves are basal (hence the “stemless”), generally linear, and may be hairy to nearly smooth. One of the varieties of T. acaulis, var. caespitosus A. Nelson, is adapted to the windiest and driest ridge tops. Restricted to Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and a bit of New Mexico, it has broader, extremely hairy leaves, and the flowers are produced barely above the leaves. Easily grown from seed, stemless four-nerve daisy, once established, will maintain itself through reseeding.
Height: 2-8”
Width: 4-8”
Water needs: low
Exposure: full sun
Availability in nurseries: uncommon, but easily grown from seed
Native range: western North America except Pacific Northwest (WY native)
Plant family: Asteraceae
Photo by Dorothy Tuthill