This slowly to moderately spreading groundcover (about 6” tall in flower) is grown mainly for its gray foliage. The cultivar ‘McClintock’ has relatively inconspicuous inflorescences, which can be cut off to highlight the small silvery leaves. In dry years, the foliage can winterburn a bit, and the plant can be short-lived in some situations. (Winterburn, which can be caused by winter wind–related desiccation, usually affects plants with foliage that persists throughout the winter. Their leaves or needles usually become brown at the tips or along their whole length.) Wyoming is home to many different Antennaria species including rosy pussytoes (Antennaria rosea Greene), which has pink blooms and slightly taller foliage. Some species reseed. These two pussytoes are easy to divide and transplant because of their shallow root systems.
Height: 1-2” (leaves)
Width: 8-12” or wider
Water needs: low, but can live with higher amounts
Exposure: full sun to light shade
Availability in nurseries: common
Native range: found west from KS to the coast and from TX to Canada (WY native)
Plant family: Asteraceae
Photo by Jennifer Thompson